Thailand’s cannabis industry and regional situation

In Thailand, cannabis was removed from the narcotics list in June 2022. As a result, cannabis production facilities and cannabis shops have emerged in various areas, including the capital city of Bangkok. Let’s explore the characteristics of cannabis in different areas of Thailand.

Areas with Many Farms

In 2018, Thailand legalized the use of cannabis for medical purposes, food, and cosmetics, leading to the establishment of farms where cannabis is cultivated. Thailand is known to have the largest cannabis cultivation facilities in Southeast Asia. Many farms can be found in regions such as Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Lampang Province, and Phetchabun Province, where cannabis is actively grown.

Following the legalization of medical cannabis, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in Thailand has granted permission for cultivation in facilities operated by the Government Pharmaceutical Organization (GPO), certain university research facilities, and hospitals. In Pathum Thani Province, adjacent to Bangkok, there is a cultivation facility with a floor area of 100 square meters currently in operation.

The northeastern province of Sakon Nakhon, boasting the largest medical cannabis production volume in Thailand, is home to research facilities and farms under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Public Health, along with similar establishments in other locations.

In addition to commercial farms, cultivation is also allowed in private households, and there are individuals growing cannabis at home.

Cannabis Dispensaries

Throughout Thailand, including Bangkok, various cities have seen the opening of pharmacies and dispensaries. Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, has numerous shops open in areas such as Khao San Road and parts of the Sukhumvit area. Some dispensaries even have smoking areas within the shop or are combined with cafes.

Apart from Bangkok, Pattaya and Chiang Mai have also been significantly influenced by the legalization of cannabis.

However, the distinction between medical and recreational use is still not clearly defined, so it is essential to thoroughly check information provided by the Thai government.

Please note that this translation is based on the information available up until September 2021, and there may have been further developments regarding the cannabis situation in Thailand since then.


There are many cannabis farms and cultivation facilities in areas such as Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, and Sakon Nakhon in Thailand. It is expected that cannabis farms will be established in different regions in the future. Moreover, there are numerous dispensary shops opening in urban areas like Bangkok, Pattaya, and Chiang Mai. As the cannabis industry continues to grow, it has the potential to become a significant contributor to Thailand’s domestic economy. We must keep a close eye on the latest developments in this regard.

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