Cannabis Guide for Tourists: Experiencing Cannabis in Thailand

Thailand became the first country in Asia to legalize cannabis. This event has been widely covered in news and online articles, and it might still be fresh in many people’s memories. In Thailand, especially in the capital city of Bangkok, you can find cannabis dispensaries and cafes where you can enjoy cannabis smoking. The primary customer base is said to be tourists visiting Thailand from overseas. For tourists visiting Thailand, the use of cannabis has garnered significant interest. However, there are important things to know and be cautious about when using cannabis in Thailand.

In this article, we will introduce what tourists should know about using cannabis in Thailand and highlight cannabis-related tours you can experience within the country. If you’re curious about Thailand’s cannabis market, please read on until the end.

10 Things Tourists Should Know

The Ministry of Public Health in Thailand has released a guide titled “10 Things Tourists Need to Know about Cannabis in Thailand” for tourists visiting the country.

This guide covers the following points:

・Carrying seeds of parts of the cannabis plant from an to Thailand for personal purposes are not permitted.

・Cannabis cultivation is legal but registering in the food and drug administration’s “PLOOK GANJA”application or through goverment website is required.

・Using cannabis flower buds for research, export, sale and Processing for commercial purposes requires official permit.

・Individuals under 20 years old, Pregnant women and breastfeeding women are not eligible to use cannabis except under the supervision of health professionals.

・Prossession of extract containing more than 0.2 THC and synthetic THC requires permission.

・Cannabis contained dishes are available in authorized restaurants.

・Approved cannabis health products are accessible through specific channels.

・Smoking cannabis in public spaces, including schools and shopping malls, is illegal.

・Avoid driving after consuming food or health products containning cannabis.

・Those who have serious undesirable health outcomes cannabis should promptly see doctors for treatment.

For further information, click on this link.

For further information, click on this link. This guide is available in multiple languages, including English, Chinese, Korean, and Japanese.

It succinctly and clearly outlines indoor and outdoor cannabis usage guidelines and aspects related to cannabis cultivation, tailored to foreigners.

Make sure to remember these 10 points before visiting Thailand.

Experiencing Cannabis Tours

Thailand offers various opportunities to experience cannabis legally, including tours of cannabis cultivation companies, cannabis dispensaries, cannabis-themed tours, and even a cannabis-themed amusement park.

Currently, Thailand is drawing attention as a country in Asia where people can easily experience cannabis.

To experience cannabis in Thailand, you can visit:

Cannabis Dispensaries: Finding cannabis dispensaries is easy, with approximately 6,000 registered shops across Thailand. Some dispensaries offer not only cannabis purchases but also designated smoking areas. In Bangkok, there are tours that take you around cannabis shops, which can be a great option for those interested in Thai cannabis or CBD products.

Cannabis Cultivation Company Tours: Some cannabis cultivation companies offer tours, particularly those growing cannabis in outdoor environments. These tours allow you to witness actual cannabis cultivation settings.

Legend Siam Pattaya: Legend Siam Pattaya is a cannabis-themed park located in Pattaya, Thailand. It features state-of-the-art displays on cannabis, indoor cultivation showcasing various cannabis strains, cannabis-related souvenir shops, and outdoor cultivation facilities. This new facility in Thailand allows visitors to learn about cannabis in an entertaining way and has garnered attention from both domestic and international audiences.

Additionally, there are regular tours and events that provide opportunities to experience cannabis in Thailand.

In Conclusion

This article has provided information for tourists visiting Thailand about what they should know and be cautious about regarding cannabis usage, as well as opportunities to experience cannabis within the country. While Thailand’s cannabis market has flourished since its legalization, adhering to regulations will contribute to the healthy growth of the market.

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