CBD provides a relaxing effect, and numerous CBD users have benefited from CBD.
However, some users are concerned that they do not feel the effects of CBD oil.
If you are not feeling the effects of CBD very well, there is a high possibility that you can improve the situation by paying attention to how you use the product.
In this article, we will introduce the causes of not feeling the effects of CBD oil and the points to be improved.
Why you do not feel the effects of CBD oil
Why can’t you feel the effects of CBD oil?
The effects of CBD oil and other CBD products may be affected by individual differences, your physical condition on that day, and the method of intake.
Below are some common possible causes.
●You have not started using the product for a short period of time
If you have not been using CBD products or CBD oil for a short period of time, you may not feel the full effects of CBD.
CBD is said to be more effective with continuous use.
Since it is an ingredient that acts on the body, it is important to understand that there are individual differences.
It is not common for supplements or medicines other than CBD to have immediate effects, so if you are new to using it, we recommend using it for a few weeks or a few months.
If you do not see results after using it for longer than that, please refer to the causes listed below.
●Low CBD intake
If your CBD intake is low, you may not feel the effects.
There is no prescribed daily intake of CBD, but it generally ranges from 5 mg to 600 mg.
If you are taking less than 5 mg of CBD per day, you may be taking too little CBD and should gradually increase your intake.
●Does not contain the listed amount of CBD
The CBD oil you are using may not contain the stated amount of CBD.
The CBD market is booming worldwide, but a 2016 US FDA survey found that about 40% of products do not contain the stated amount of CBD.
It is also important to note that counterfeit products from well-known manufacturers are also being sold on the Internet.
To be sure that your product contains the amount of CBD listed on the label, choose a CBD oil that has a third-party certification of ingredients.
It has been thoroughly tested by a third-party organization and is safe to use.
If you do not feel the effects of CBD oil
What should you do if you do not feel the effects of CBD oil?
Here are some suggestions on how to improve the effectiveness of CBD oil to make it easier to feel the effects of CBD oil.
●Change the CBD oil
If you are not feeling the effects of the CBD oil you are currently using, you may find it easier to feel the effects of CBD oil if you change your CBD oil.
CBD oil is sold by a variety of manufacturers, some of which do not contain the stated amount of CBD and some of which are inferior.
It is best to choose CBD oil that is favored by many and that has a third-party certificate of ingredients.
Third-party ingredient certificates can also confirm that the CBD product is free of impurities, which is a criterion for choosing a CBD product that you can use with confidence.
●Take the proper dosage
Take the proper dosage.
Too much or too little CBD intake is not effective.
The recommended daily CBD intake is between 5 mg and 600 mg.
If you are taking a small amount of CBD, increase your intake by 5 mg every two days, and if your daily intake is too high, try reducing your intake once.
When increasing your intake, do not increase it all at once, but rather increase it gradually.
CBD is said to have no side effects, but in rare cases, side effects such as dizziness and diarrhea may occur, so it is recommended not to take more than 1,500 mg.
●Continuous use
Continuous use of CBD is sufficient to feel the full effects of CBD.
CBD acts on our body to give us various benefits, but it does not change for a long time after a single intake.
It is only when CBD stays in the body that the effects of CBD are felt in the body.
If you are new to CBD, you should start by continuing to use it.
We have introduced the causes of ineffectiveness of CBD oil and how to improve it.
If you are not feeling the effects of CBD oil, it is possible that your CBD intake is low or the CBD oil product itself does not contain the stated amount of CBD.
If you are not feeling the effects of CBD, we recommend changing your CBD oil or changing your daily CBD intake.
With the proper method and amount of CBD intake, you can incorporate CBD into your daily life and live a vibrant life!