Pattaya Cannabis Scene: What to Know Before Going to Pattaya

Pattaya is a resort destination located about 160 kilometers away from Bangkok. It is renowned as one of Southeast Asia’s premier beach resorts and attracts tourists from all around the world. While Thailand boasts beach resorts like Phuket, which require air travel, Pattaya is conveniently accessible by road from Bangkok, taking approximately 2 hours by car.

Due to its proximity to Bangkok and its popularity as a tourist destination, Pattaya features numerous cannabis-related restaurants and shops. In this article, we will discuss the cannabis scene in Pattaya and what you should know before visiting.

Cannabis Distribution

Previously, cannabis was mainly imported from countries like Canada and the United States. However, domestic cannabis production is becoming more prevalent recently. Domestic cannabis tends to be more affordable and has more pronounced effects compared to imported varieties. It is expected that domestic production will become the primary source in the future. While currently, seeds are imported and cultivation is done domestically, there are expectations that seeds will eventually be produced domestically as well. Notably, while cannabis and cannabis seeds used to be brought into Thailand only through air transport, now air, sea, and land transport are allowed.

Cannabis Situation in Pattaya

Similar to Bangkok, Pattaya has a plethora of cannabis dispensaries. Beyond dispensaries, Pattaya hosts unique events and facilities related to cannabis.

Pattaya held a cannabis festival in 2022, and it will continue in 2023. The 2023 cannabis festival will take place from September 9th to 10th in Central Pattaya. This festival brings together cannabis, hemp products, food, beverages, cosmetics, machinery, and education. It serves not only to showcase products but also to attract Thai and international investors, fostering interest in Thailand’s hemp culture.

Moreover, Pattaya boasts Thailand’s only cannabis-themed park. Located close to the center of Pattaya, the Cannabis Theme Park is being transformed from Legend Siam by the real estate developer Nusasiri Public Company Limited. This park showcases cutting-edge cannabis technology, offers shops to purchase cannabis-derived products, and plans to introduce facilities such as a cannabis clinic, cannabis cafe, and a CBD extraction factory.

Abundance of Cannabis-Friendly Dining in Pattaya

While there are many cannabis dispensaries in Pattaya, it’s not limited to just that. The city hosts numerous cafes that offer beverages and foods containing cannabis derivatives. These cafes operate legally and have obtained authorization, making them open to both Thai citizens and foreign tourists.

In 2021, the specialized cannabis cuisine restaurant “Aroi Kan Rong Poa” opened and gained attention. This restaurant offers legal dishes and drinks made with cannabis, including dishes like Cannabis Basil Fried Rice (Gapaow Rice). Particularly popular among foreign tourists, this restaurant captures the essence of Pattaya’s popularity as a tourist destination.

In Conclusion

This article provided an overview of the cannabis scene in Pattaya. Just like in Bangkok, Pattaya has a significant number of cannabis dispensaries and cafes. However, due to its status as a renowned tourist destination, there are unique facilities in Pattaya that you might not easily find in Bangkok, such as cannabis-focused restaurants and theme parks.

Anticipate further growth in cannabis-related establishments in the future.

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