Is Cannabis legal in Pakistan?

Both recreational and medical marijuana are illegal in Pakistan.

However, the Pakistani government approved the cannabis industry in 2020.

Although the cannabis industry has been approved by the government, recreational and medical marijuana are still illegal, and use carries severe penalties, up to and including the death penalty.

However, a survey conducted a few years ago showed that Pakistan is one of the countries in the world with the highest cannabis consumption.

According to a report from a 2013 survey, approximately 6.5 million people regularly consume marijuana.

Medical cannabis in Pakistan

As of 2023, medical cannabis is illegal in Pakistan.

Dried cannabis and bhang have long been consumed in Pakistan, but in the 1980s, drug control regulations were established and it became illegal.

Although Pakistan has strong regulations on marijuana, the country has announced that it will focus on the cultivation of industrial hemp in 2020, and it is expected that medical marijuana will also be legalized.

Industrial Hemp

The Pakistani government has approved industrial hemp in 2020.

By opening up the cannabis market, it is expected that cannabis can be used for cannabis fiber and CBD medicines, stimulating a $1 billion-a-year industry.

Cannabis cultivation was approved in 2020, but after a short delay, cannabis was harvested for the first time in December 2021.

CBD in Pakistan

CBD is legal in Pakistan.

CBD is legal, but there are few CBD products such as CBD oil, and dried cannabis is commonly distributed as bungs.

Cultivation, research, exports, and medicine will likely expand as industrial hemp cultivation and commercialization is approved in 2020 and the hemp market is developed. The hemp market in Pakistan has the potential to generate up to $1 billion in revenue over the next three years.


Both medical marijuana and recreational marijuana are illegal in Pakistan.

However, cannabis has long been popular in Pakistan, and the country is known for the large number of people who still use cannabis today.

The use or sale of marijuana carries a prison sentence, sometimes up to the death penalty.

Although marijuana is highly regulated in Pakistan, the cultivation and commercialization of industrial marijuana will be legalized in 2020, with the first harvest taking place in 2021.

Legalization of medical marijuana is also expected, but it will likely be a little longer, as there is currently no announcement on the legalization of medical marijuana.

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